Hot reading is used as a co-occurrence of cold reading. It is a means of getting information of the subject by background check or catching a conversation. A practitioner can set a schedule for their clients ahead of time so they can investigate the background of the subject using a confederates that act as somebody like survey agents or salesmen.
Practitioners of Hot Reading give the impression that they have gained knowledge about their subjects through psuedopsychological means. The subjects are completely unaware that they have been investigated and the practitioners already have knowledge even before the session began. This is one of the most effective techniques in character reading during stage performances.
Warm Reading
While Cold Reading is the use of general preconditions known or common to people, and Hot Reading is the use foreknowledge of information about a specific subject, Warm Reading is a wise form of character reading mostly in use of the Barnum Effect.
Warm Reading originally came from Peter Houston's book:
"More Scams from the Great Beyond!"
Warm reading also pertains to "utilizing known principles of psychology that apply nearly to everyone" while performing the character reading. It falls between cold and hot reading and is safe and effective method if properly used. A very good example of Character Reader is the famous Hypnotist and Magician, Derren Brown.
In relation to Covert Hypnosis, the sole purpose of character reading is to establish rapport to the subject that they may somehow think that you can connect to them in a paranormal way.
very interesting. I knew about cold reading but not hot or warm. thanks :)